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2021 Event Agenda

Environment Analyst Global Business Summit 2021

From Crisis to Opportunity: The Decisive Decade


Conference agenda:

The conference took place on Tuesday 8th June at 9am ET / 2pm BST / 3pm CEST.

The sessions below are available to watch on-demand here.


Tuesday 8th June 


9.00am ET - Welcome from Environment Analyst   


Julian Rose, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Environment Analyst


9.10am ET - Opening Remarks from the Chair


Ross Griffiths, Content Director, Environment Analyst


9.20am ET - Opening Keynote


Frank Sweet, Global Business Line Chief Executive for Environment, AECOM


Session One: Global Environmental Market Outlook: Opportunities, Challenges, Drivers & Disruptors 


9.40am ET - Focus on the North American Market: Key Policy Drivers & Priorities for a Green Recovery


  • Detailing key steps in achieving President Biden’s environment and climate goals:

    • policy and regulatory shifts

    • interim targets and transition milestones

    • achieving transparency in climate risk reporting    

  • Examining green reform policies in the US and Canada - how will a post-Covid green recovery be achieved?

  • What will policy changes mean for federal - state - local spending in the US?

  • Managing the energy transition and its impact on the resource and commodities industry

  • Assessing the extent to which environmental reform and an acceleration in climate spending will result in increased opportunities for the environmental consultancy sector and where these might lie


Gabriel Malek, Investor Influence Coordinator, Environmental Defense Fund


10.05am ET - Exploring the Global Evolution Of Sustainable Debt Markets & Green Finance Instruments


  • Exploring how different types of green and sustainability debt instruments have evolved in light of recent market shifts, focusing on the growth of green bonds, green loans, sustainability-linked loans and bonds and the various features of such instruments

  • Analysing regional variations in green investment trends, including implications of EU taxonomy for sustainable activities 


Michael Wilkins, Senior Research Fellow, Sustainable Finance, S&P Global Ratings


10.30am ET - Reviewing the State of the Global Environmental Consulting Market and Outlook


Environment Analyst share their latest findings on the global environmental consultancy services market dynamics, including: 


  • Update on the current market state and future forecasts:  

  • assessing the toll that COVID-19 has had on the sector and how business leaders are responding

  • Examining the current competitive landscape, industry rankings and leading players in the context of recent M&A activity

  • Identifying “opportunity hotspots”; those countries or regions prioritising investment in green recovery and transition 

  • Reviewing sector specific insights, key disruptors and sustainability trends impacting service demand and provision

  • Assessing how business models are evolving to respond to these


Liz Trew, Research Editorial Director & Co-Founder, Environment Analyst










Session Two: Industry Response


11.40am ET -  Industry Panel Discussion  


Industry panellists will offer their perspective on current and future market and policy drivers and the business response, sharing insight into how their companies are responding to different threats and opportunities.


  • Assessing how the environmental consulting sector can better position itself to help clients to enter new markets

  • Exploring evolving global business models to address current and future challenges and compete with professional advisory and management consultants

  • Assessing the implications of social and environmental injustice in achieving sustainability goals, and how this can be addressed 

  • Achieving resilience to adapt and progress in times of change and help our clients to do the same 


Kathleen M. Abbott, President Environment, Arcadis

Lisa Kay, Chief Operating Officer EHS, NV5

Peter Skinner, Chief Operating Officer, SLR Consulting

1:15pm ET - Close of Session 




Wednesday 9th June 


9.00am ET - Welcome Back from the Chair  


Session Three: The Rising Global ESG Imperative 


9.10am ET - Exploring the Evolving Focus and Influence of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Factors in Global Markets & Optimising the Role of the Consulting Sector 


  • Examining the increasing global influence and impact of ESG factors and where the big initiatives are being led from:

    • where does North America sit alongside Europe and Asia Pacific and what impact will the Biden administration have?

  • Assessing what is required from ESG data and goals to really drive the sustainability agenda forward 

  • Aligning ESG strategies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 


  • Managing the shift towards increased ESG accountability in business finance and investment decisions: 

    • implications of the EU Taxonomy  

    • impact on the supply chain 

  • Marrying net zero and sustainability terminology with client objectives and regulatory frameworks to produce appropriate metrics and benchmarks

  • Strategies for helping clients to better understand, and respond, to climate change targets

    • defining “sustainability” and what it means for different stakeholders

    • developing positive sustainability strategies integrated into procurement frameworks and project deliverables


Adrian Bliss, Environment and Sustainability Account Leader, Mott MacDonald

André-Martin Bouchard, Global Director Earth & Environment & Global Executive Director ESG, WSP

Craig Riley, Executive Advisor - ESG, Climate Change & Strategic Sustainability, GHD

Rebecca Healey, Co-Chair EMEA Regional Committee, EMEA Regulatory Subcommittee & ESG Working Group, FIX Trading Community










Session Four: Exploiting Digital Transformation to Add Value to your Service Proposition 


12.00pm ET -  Exploiting Digital Transformation to Provide Environmental and Sustainability Solutions at a Global Level 


  • Integrating digital advances and innovation into the services we offer in a cost- and time-effective manner:

    • ensuring it is socially and generationally inclusive

    • managing ownership, sharing and privacy concerns

  • Optimising data and information frameworks and management to achieve efficiencies and facilitate business decision-making:

    • re-purposing digital outputs to create accessible, usable “data reservoirs”  

    • using digital tools to explain complex sites and projects to stakeholders

  • Examining how digital technologies will enable the energy transition to advance and achieve sustainability goals

  • Exploring how partnerships / JVs / acquisitions play an important role in enabling digital investment and future proofing the sector 

  • “Next Steps” in the digital transformation: what capabilities and opportunities are on the horizon? What are the challenges to realising these?


Hank Tran, Director, Knowledge Management, BST Global

Eve Joseph, Sustainability Customer Engagement Lead, Microsoft
Ann Rosenberg, Senior Vice President for Sustainable Development, Wood


1.15pm ET - Closing Remarks from Environment Analyst and Close of Global Business Summit  

11.15am ET - Continue the Questions and Discussions in our Virtual Conference Lounge 


Continue the discussion, meet and network with other attendees in our interactive, face-to-face conference lounge

10.50am ET - Continue the Questions and Discussions in our Virtual Conference Lounge 


Continue the discussion, meet and network with other attendees in our interactive, face-to-face conference lounge

Roundtable discussion sessions:

15th June 9-11am ET / 2-4pm BST / 3-5pm CEST ​

For all Global & UK Business Summit Attendees


One of the most popular sessions at the annual Environment Analyst Business Summit, the interactive roundtable discussion session, gave attendees an opportunity to discuss a topic of interest in a more informal, participative format. Delegates choose one roundtable to attend, and each table was hosted by a facilitator to lead discussion, encourage optimum debate and exchange of ideas.


Roundtables include:


A. Quantifying an Organisation’s ESG Impact 


Dr Andreas Georgoulias, Director of Sustainability and Risk, The Environmental Financial Consulting Group (EFCG)


B. Supporting a Green Recovery by Addressing the Sector Skills Shortages


The environmental consulting sector will play a vital role in the proposed “green recovery”. However, this has implications for a sector already struggling with a legacy skills shortage and under-capacity linked to project cycles. What are the skills required moving forward and how can these best be obtained at all levels within organisations.     


Chris Gerrard, Catchment & Biodiversity Manager, Anglian Water & Governing Board Member, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)


C. Effective Partnerships & Collaborative Strategies To Maximise Value & Accelerate Innovation 


Lynsey Clarke, Global Technology Leader: Sustainability & Climate Action & Divisional Director of Sustainability, Jacobs 


D. Optimising Smaller and Mid-Sized Companies’ Position in the Market – Challenges & Opportunities


Dr Adrian Williams, Managing Director, APEM


E. Improving Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Environmental Consulting Sector 


There is an urgent need to tackle the lack of diversity and inclusion in the environmental consulting sector.  The Diverse Sustainability Initiative is a collaborative approach to facing up to systemic barriers that people from diverse backgrounds face in the sector, and working collaboratively to address them.


Martin Baxter, Director of Policy and External Affairs & Deputy CEO, The Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA)


F. Managing The Skills Gap: Best Practice Solutions for Future-Proofing Your Resource Requirements 


Riad Habib, Senior Vice President & Energy Managing Director, AECOM


G. Securing Business Success in Emerging Markets


Angelique Dickson, Vice-President, Antea Group & President, Inogen Alliance


H. Effectively Embedding Social Outcomes into Project Delivery


Improving social outcomes is increasingly becoming a requirement of project delivery. This roundtable will discuss different approaches to achieving this through  incorporating social value and environmental justice criteria into projects.

Dr Vicky Hutchinson, ‎Environment Practice Director, Infrastructure, ‎ Atkins


I. Strategic Growth Options for Environmental Consultancies 


Fredrick Royan, Vice President, Global Environment Practice, Frost & Sullivan


J. Exploiting Opportunities to Support the Energy Transition


Joseph J. Fluder III, CEO, President & Director, SWCA Environmental Consultants

Panel discussion:

Wednesday 16th June 9-11am ET / 2-4pm BST / 3-5pm CEST

For all Global & UK Business Summit Attendees


Exploring Recent Mergers, Acquisitions & Emerging Financial Partnership Models in the Environmental & Sustainability Consulting Sector and their Impact on Market Structure & Service Delivery


  • Exploring the drivers for, and critical success factors of, recent sector M&A activity

  • Assessing different growth strategies, both in the UK and internationally 

  • Exploring case study examples of alternate financial partnering models and the pros and cons

  • Size or specialism – what are the opportunities and future role for large-scale global firms vs. those offering a more niche proposition

  • Evaluating how such activity in the market affects the service offering and the way in which we sell to clients




Jessica Barclay, Managing Partner, The Environmental Financial Consulting Group (EFCG)

André-Martin Bouchard, Global Director Earth & Environment & Global Executive Director ESG, WSP

Tom Logan, President & Chief Operating Officer, Golder

Jose Revuelta, Chief Strategy Officer, Montrose Environmental Group Inc

Paul Dondos, Managing Director, Equiteq


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