Vice President, Environment & Water - Americas
Worley Consulting
Dr. Lauria is an environmental consultant with 30 years’ post graduate experience - 25 of those years have been working around the world with Worley. Dr. Lauria provides strategic advice to clients across North America and globally in support of their sustainability planning, enablement of development, community planning and regulatory advocacy. Dr. Lauria has built and led teams across the globe to collaborate and deliver successful environmental outcomes for industrial developments. She is embedded in the Worley global network and has learned and shared lessons from around the world.
Dr. Lauria has extensive experience in structuring and managing large environmental and social teams for industrial sectors in offshore, onshore, and remote locations. She has managed resource forecasts, established budgets, tracked progress and built teams. Currently Dr. Lauria operates a business of over $100m, with 500 professional consultants across Canada and the United States providing services across permitting, approvals, social engagement, sciences (biology, chemistry), liability management, decommissioning and restoration, geosciences, and a full water offering. In addition, through our Environmental Consulting business in Canada we have three limited partnership businesses with Indigenous groups which closely aligns with our Worley Reconciliation journey with Indigenous peoples.
Dr. Lauria was elected as Chair of the Board of Directors for Marine Renewables Canada in January 2024. Marine Renewables Canada is a leader in providing marine renewable energy solutions to a world market.
Dr. Lauria has a degree in Marine Biology with Business from the University of London, and her Ph.D was focused on biophysical interactions in estuarine systems at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton UK. She is passionate about the changing definition of success, the importance of diversity of thought and advocates for industrial projects to be developed with a positive impact to community, biodiversity and water.
Session Name: Delivering Resilient & Sustainable Infrastructure